Thursday, November 24, 2011

James is WONDERful

Clearly James is the most MAJESTIC person alive...

I'm so srry, hand just had a mind of it's own....

I should draw Captain Garrett-merica.....and BatJazzMan....unless someone beats me too it  ;)

Friday, November 18, 2011

In A Flowerpot

NO JOKE. This is what Tung said today, giving us our daily "WTF" moments.

Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Characters Challenge- Week 1

Today is November 7th, meaning an entire week's worth of characters have been done. So far, we've only got a couple people doing this, I command suggest everyone does this as it's awesomely fun.

November's 30 Day Character Challenge basically has you design one character every day for the month. I'm personally keeping to a theme, in my case it's dragons. I'm drawing a different dragon for each day.

As of now, only me and Whitney are doing this for sure, I'd like to see others do it as well :D

Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Day Character Design Challenge!

30 Characters in 30 Days..

Commence and post! :D