Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Flapper girl

I found these awesome pencil presets and decided play around.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Amaaazing world of Gumball!

They're both so cute :3

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Aannnd you thought you could escape my voldemort drawings :D


They Grow Up so Fast


Everyone was doing Harry Potter posts, I JUST WANTED TO BE COOL D:

For gif comics that will blow your minds

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beep beep boop boop

Just in time for Comic-Con
Drawing by Tung and I just wanted to color it cause I found it. [ From the first Happy Fun Time Game]

well since we are drawing Harry Potter pictures


So I herrrd.....

James lieks to have hot tantric magic sex with Prof Mcgonagall...sideways. 
(That last part is a lie, couldnt get the stupid picture to go straight >=/ )

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

We're so MAGICAL!!

Our team is ready to go defeat the dark lord Cantleymort!!

 Garrett being all Quiddtich Captain-like, Tung studying ParselTUNG, Me looking over at his book, Chris impressing his girl Breann with "Hermione post-movie pixie hair", James slobbering over his custom McGonaggal picture frame, Whitney stranged out by his actions, Jackson and Jason from the Harry Potter Art gallery show in Alhambra, Kevin practicing his typography spell, Jenna with her Cat Patronus, and Rachel and Jasmine with their magical pets.

Hope everyone has a great time at the movies this weekend (and month) for the final Harry Potter installment!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sharing with Christina


This is what Christina typed (word-for-word) to me as we discussed the ins and outs of registering for classes. What I got was her innermost feelings and opinion during these trouble times.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Poop jokes are classy

New Header!

I have taken the liberty of creating a new header for this fine blog.
For some reason, the colors fade a bit when it's uploaded on the site.
I have no idea as to the reason for this.
Cool beans!

— Garrett

Teh OMG kitteh

And that is when Christina decided to throw Jenna-cat from her die by severe impact in the muggle world below....LOL JK!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

STFU, Piccolo Pete

click to view, fools

We had 4 Piccolo Pete's last night in our $14.99 firework goodie bag. Apparently when you hammer the powder tube inward on both ends and then stand back up, they're VERTICAL STICKS OF EXPLOSIVE GOODNESS.

I just KNOW Tung is gonna jump on that last line there.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

In which pants come off

A continuation of the Chris/Tung story.

Chris: "My Mexican blood... yearns for the taste of beans and greasy ground beef..."


Chris: "Tung you evil genius!!"

Tung: So... what're you gonna do about it.

Chris: "This."

Chris: "By the power of Mexico!.."

Chris: "I... HAVE... THE POWWEEERRRR!!!"

-thunder sounds-

-thunder sounds-

-thunder sounds-

Tung: "Hm?"

Chris: "EERGHH... ERRGGHH..."

Tung: "Uh... Chris you look the same."

Chris: "On the contrary, Tung."


Tung: "Your... your legs!"


Chris: "Yeap."

Tung: "Hold on, so... what about the rest of your body?"

Chris: "Well I'm only *half* Mexican."

The end.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chris Pt. II

..."One taco please"


 ( screams in pain)






" NO....MORE....tacos."